Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Welcome to El Vuh 2012!

“Soon you will see, we all sit in the shade of the sacred tree

The water and the knowledge, they can never rob from us

The ancient voices form a key to the lock, setting you free” – ‘Mexica Tiahui’ by El Vuh

With the Mayan apocalypse approaching in 2012 and this and other mysteries everywhere on television, film and bookstores, it could be said that the Mexican-American group El Vuh is a result of the times. Coined “lyrical medicine men” by many who’ve heard their music, the band composed of emcees Zero, Victor-E and E-Rise have a clear goal: to awaken the minds of humanity through ancient Maya knowledge and a fusion of traditional Mexican sounds and hypnotic hip-hop beats.

Come back to this blog often for more information on El Vuh.